Masjid and Islamic Centre project of MMC
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We are happy to inform you that by the will of Allah, the most powerful, we have completed settlement of the property (700 Davis Road) at Tarneit, a western suburb of Melbourne metropolitan area for MMC Project, ALHAMDULILLAH. The Wyndham city council has issued us a permit to use the property as a place of worship. The size of the property is 10 Acres (40,000sq metres), one of the largest (in terms of area) Masjid complexes in Australia, Alhamdulillah. Approved Masjid complex will be used for Islamic activities and services that will benefit of the whole Muslim Community of the local area and also the state of Victoria, thereby Australia.
As per council requirement, we need to build a large car park & access way, renovate existing site for worshipers and implement landscaping before using the property as Masjid. We have estimated AUD 1 Million as budget to prepare the site to start prayer, Insha'Allah. We have vision to construct a full-fledged Masjid, Youth Centre and Education Institute (subject to council approval) in future Insha Allah.
Our humble invite to all communities including yours to be engaged in this blessed initiative. We look forward to your every possible support for this Masjid and Islamic Centre project. Please pray to the Almighty for making our dream a success. May Allah accept our effort and bless us immensely. Ameen.